I am continually discovering through AMA simple aspects of my business that, if applied, make a exponential difference. One aspect I have not seen discussed yet is site signs. Any thoughts?

By Ron Halfhill

Home Forums I am continually discovering through AMA simple aspects of my business that, if applied, make a exponential difference. One aspect I have not seen discussed yet is site signs. Any thoughts?

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  • Author
    • #3586
      Ron Halfhill
      • #3588
        David Sisson

          I haven’t done site signs. I figure they are also a cost-to buy, install and remove. Probably cheaper to just leave them, so you need to factor in their cost to each job. I do something like 30-40 projects a year, half of which would not get a sign for various reasons. 15-20 signs would cost me something like $100-200 each = $1500-$4000, so need an actual return on them.

        • #3590
          Zeke Freeman

            We have great return on very simple site signs. I would not do a project without one.

          • #3593
            John Jones

              Signs on every jobsite!!! Except, jobs that maybe don’t represent you or your target market. I used to be under the impression that every lead was a good lead. Every referral a good referral. BUT, I was speaking to a builder not long ago, and he said something that stuck with me: “Crappy projects (low budget projects, compromised projects) get Crappy referrals.” I thought about it… no bathroom remodel ever got me a $2.5M house project. That said, every project that hits your niche, absolutely get your jobsite sign out. You’ll get a million calls from painters, flooring guys, sheetrockers, but the handful you get from homeowners or decision makers who appreciate your design will be priceless.

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