Outsourcing CDs

By Mette Aamodt

Home Forums Outsourcing CDs

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    • #3805
      Mette Aamodt

        Hi There MM Members,

        Has anyone used or heard of an outsourcing company for CAD/REVIT documentation? I am looking for a company that can handle a variety of needs.

        I found this one http://theaecassociates.com/4 – anyone know anything about them?



      • #3807
        Eric Bobrow

          Hi Mette, I haven’t heard about this company in particular. Marcus Marino sings praises about OAEInc.com4 which he says he uses. You can reach Marcus at marcusm@designmgroup.com .

          I know @Rachel Burton plans to create her own outsourcing solution. (@Rachel if you could share your thoughts here that would be cool).

          let us know if you find a good solution.

        • #3809
          Rachel Burton

            I don’t know about them, but their website is very easy to read. Either they have a really good web designer or they have clarity about what and how they work, or both.

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