The ONLY Coaching Program Teaching You How To Produce Clients On Demand For Your Architecture Practice

(Even if you're in a very competitive market or have little to few existing connections)


Architects Marketing Academy Coaching


(for members only)

6 Principles To Guarantee Your Success in Architecture and Life

In this month's training, you'll discover:

  • The 4 critical challenges you must overcome to reach your success
  • The one change you can make in your life to bring in amazing flexibility, freedom and fulfillment
  • 6 success principles that you can use in architecture and life
  • The real reason most people never reach satisfaction, fulfillment, and struggle day to day (giving up on their hopes and dreams)

Read below to discover how you can get access to this training...

If you're on this page, it's likely that you run a small architecture firm and you're looking for ways to spread the word about what you do without just waiting passively for your network to grow.

Networking is very effective when you do it right, however it takes a lot of time, skill and social know-how to build up an effective network quickly.

It can take years, even decades, to develop a strong network of trust.

Now, what if there was a way to "speed up" this networking process and get clients to take notice of you and respect your work in half the time?

You've probably heard the phrase "the good ol' boys club".

What if you knew the 'secret password' that unlocks that inner circle of potential clients - clients who can send you hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars worth of projects?

People do business with those they know, like and trust.

This is the 'secret password'.

Selling architecture is about building relationships with the right people.

However, if you've never had any formal sales training, you might be at a loss as to how to identify the right people to talk to,  how to reach out with out being needy or annoying, how to establish new relationships, and how to get these new contacts to give you projects.

This is the game plan.

With the great work you do and the service you give your clients, doesn't it make sense that more people should know who you are and how you can help them?

And yet most architects struggle to land a consistent flow of new projects in the cycle of feast or famine because they have little or no business development training.

This is why we created the Architects Marketing Academy Coaching program.


The Architects Marketing Academy Coaching program is an online coaching program for architects who want to know how to bring in more referrals and clients on a consistent basis - even if people have never heard of you before or they work with other architects.

In the Architects Marketing Academy Coaching program, you'll discover:

The Systems...

that you need to attract, pre-qualify, and land the projects you want to work on, consistently.

How To Spread the Word...

about what you do in an effective and forthright way that gains the respect of potential clients.

How to turn...

an inquiry into a project by using a systematic sales process based on relationship and trust.


In the Architects Marketing Academy Coaching program you get:

  • A Monthly Webinar Marketing Training Session - each month you'll get access to a special online training webinar. Past trainings include internet marketing, social media, networking and website best practices.
  • A Monthly Question and Answer Coaching Call - get strategic and tactical advice by submitting your question to be answered during our live calls. You'll also listen in on the challenges and solutions given to other architects (one insight alone could be worth your entire investment in this program)
  • Private Member-Only Forum Access - access to our private LinkedIn members forum where members ask questions and share what is working for them. This is a support community for you so that you don't need to feel alone in your struggles - a virtual 'brain trust'.
  • The Marketing Vault - our curated collection of member-submitted marketing collateral examples that you can use for inspiration.
  • Members Only Website Access - access recorded training sessions and Q+A calls on a private members website so that you can listen and watch on your own schedule.
  • Recorded Case Studies - access case studies of how other architects have succeeded so you can learn from their mistakes and short-cut your success.
  • Insider Access to 3 of the Top Small Architecture Firm Marketing Experts in the World - pick our brains about how you can achieve your firm goals.
  • Architect Marketing Labs - our monthly hardcopy publication that is packed with marketing and business development tips specifically for architects.

The Architects Marketing Academy Coaching program is the alternative to joining expensive coaching, training or mastermind programs that cost thousands of dollars in membership, travel, and hotel fees.

This web-based coaching program is for you if are an architecture firm owner who wants to take your firm to the next level.

Your Coaches In The Academy:

Enoch Bartlett Sears AIA is known as an expert marketer who helps architects book meetings with hard-to-reach potential clients.

​He's a licensed California architect, author of the book “Social Media for Architects”, and publisher of Business of Architecture, an education and training platform that helps architects get better income and lifestyle through a profitable practice.

Richard Petrie is known as the world's leading architect marketing coach. He's consulted with over 200 small firm architects from around the world helping them install proven client attraction systems in their practice.

Eric Bobrow is known as the world's leading internet marketing strategist for architects. He's helped hundreds of architects grow their businesses including a UK firm that added an extra $530,000 in billings directly as a result of his consulting work on their internet marketing strategy.


Kudos to you and the AMA team! All your ideas! Thank you! I was just smart enough to sign up [to the Academy].

Mette Aamodt, Co-Founder, Aamodt / Plumb Architects
John Doe UI/UX Designer

My previous situation was [before the Academy]: not knowing how to get leads...not having knowledge of marketing. Now we have a plan for getting leads and understand that we are marketers first and architects second."

Craig Taylor, Co-Founder Red Blue Architecture
John Doe UI/UX Designer


If you were to get personal coaching from Eric, Enoch or me or join our Million Dollar Mastermind Coaching™ group then you'd pay $25,000 for 12 months of coaching and consulting.

However, we created the Architects Marketing Academy Coaching program for everyone who wants to get coaching with us, but can't afford to join our high-level mastermind program.

Previously this online coaching was only available to architects who paid $5,000 - $10,000 as a part of one of our premium training packages.

With this program you get access to us through our monthly live webinars, Q+A sessions, private resource site, and our private, members only forum where you can join other like-minded designers and architects.

Best of all, this special coaching program is only $97/month.

Yes, for about $3 a day we'll guide you on how you can market your architecture practice so that you can have better income, lifestyle, freedom and impact.


Cancel anytime - No long-term commitment

I'd like you to try the Architects Marketing Academy Coaching program risk free for 30 days for only $10.

The minute you complete your payment you'll get instant access to the Architects Marketing Vault, Case Studies, and all the other resources outlined above.

If at any time during the first 30 days you decide this online coaching isn't for you, just send an email to support@architectsmarketing.com or call our support line at +1 (415) 423-2225 and we'll happily refund your $10. In fact I insist you take your $10 back if you aren't completely satisfied with the program.

After the first 30 days, your membership will renew automatically at our standard rate of $97/mo with no long-term commitment - cancel at any time.

Right now there are clients who could really benefit from your expertise on their projects, they just may not know who you are or where to find you.

Join our coaching program today and discover how to connect with them and generate clients on demand.

Click the orange button below and get instant access for only $10:


"6 Principles To Guarantee Your Success in Architecture and Life"

Cancel anytime - No long-term commitment

Any questions?
Click here to email: Architects Marketing Support Desk