What's the best way to deal with price shoppers?

By Architects Marketing Support

Home Forums Sales What's the best way to deal with price shoppers?

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    • #2849

      I’m often finding that people are asking me to cut my price. I work hard, and don’t like having to cut corners in order to remain profitable.

      I’ve heard about the LCC strategy, but I’m not sure it will work when people just want the lowest price.

      Any ideas?

    • #4931
      Edward Shannon
        1. Do not quote fees over phone or by email
        2. Qualify the lead
        3. If qualified, get an LCC

        Edward J. Shannon III

      • #5290
        David Businelli

          My experience has been (for over 20 years) that most people in my area (Staten Island, NY) are tire kickers. The minute I tell them that there is a fee involved to provide them the information that they need via the LCC, they either hang up, or say that they will get back to me. I have begun to give them a choice: 20 minutes of my time and the maximum that can be built based on a readily available tax map or the LCC. The last person that I spoke to last week never got back to me with either choice. I loose projects to others that I know are working cheaper and NOT providing an LCC for a fee, but are doing a hell of a lot of work up front.  I can’t compete with that, no matter what technique I use.

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