Reply To: Pricing levels for design proposals

By David Sisson

Home Forums Pricing levels for design proposals Reply To: Pricing levels for design proposals

David Sisson

    I’m working up my “Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum” levels of service and discovering it’s a difficult thing to 1) coherently describe each task we do in each phase in a way that the layperson will understand, 2) actually list all of the tasks, but edit out the boring parts 3) come up with new and innovative services that I can add on, especially services that are cheap for me to provide but I can sell for big $. I’d love to see what others are showing their clients, and I’ll also post mine ASAP. One example idea I’m going to provide – for the Gold and Platinum levels – is to provide the owner professional architectural photos of the completed project. I figure for top end projects I’m going to shoot them anyway, and pay a photographer anyway – this allows me to bill the client for this! I’ll throw in a beautiful framed print for the Platinum level 🙂