Circle of Love Email Responders

By Juintow Lin

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  • Author
    • #3777
      Juintow Lin

        Has anyone had any luck with the circle of love email responders? Would you share some examples of text that is really working for you?

        Thanks so much!

      • #3780
        Charlotte Smith

          No responses, but no unsubscribers either.

        • #3782
          Peter Twohy

            Hi Juintow, my circle of love is about 700 strong and I have been sending out emails for about 3 years. People tend to respond directly to the email with questions or adding another phase to an old project. I just landed a whole house remodel that first interviewed me almost a year ago. During that time they received 10 or so emails from me (all with a recent photo of a beautiful project) and no where near that many from my competitors. So was this the reason that they hired me? Probably not. But did it help? I think so, no way to know for sure.

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