Our first monkey-fist

By Juan Pessolani

Home Forums Our first monkey-fist

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    • #3664

      This is our first Monkey Fist. We took the 10 Advantages of Design-Build monkey fist from the vault and adapted it to our needs. Tons of neat graphics too. We renamed it to “Advantages of Hiring an Architect-Builder”, as in “Architect-led-design-build” so a layman would know what we were talking about. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10369895/NC%20Monkey%20Fist.pdf

    • #3666
      Eric Bobrow

        Excellent Juan! I really like the layout and graphic design. Unfortunately most of our members don’t speak Spanish so they can’t give you exact feedback.

      • #3668
        Richard Petrie

          certainly looks good

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